Think Gum-A Refreshing Morning Boost
Forget coffee in the morning, think gum is the future of a stimulant fueled capitalism, with it's mixture of herbs to influence memory, antioxidants to supply more oxygen to the brain (also neuroprotective), and natural caffeine (ten milligrams) from the plant guarana.
My New Book Confessions of an AP Student
Confessions of an AP Student is a thrilling memoir of my use and abuse of Adderall, dealing with my best friend's leukemia, my time as a drug dealer and evading the scene, and finally, how I detoxed from a poly drug addiction without anyone knowing; keeping my GPA in tact in the process.
How to get a 4.0 without being a nerd
Forget to study for a test, or really can't study that night, find a way to cheat, plain and simple. Sometimes you just need it, and don't get into the habit of doing this all the time, but for bs classes where the teacher's borderline senile, it may just give you that higher letter grade by the end of a semester. Whatever the case, don't accept an F because you "forgot to study!" Either cheat or fake a stomach flu, but don't fail!
In the morning, a hot cup of liquid with a stimulant in it can sound like your best friend. Use it too much
however, and you can develop a mental and physical dependence on it, causing you to wake up feeling even groggier and more lethargic than usual. It is a very common thing, however for maximum efficiency should actually be used only in moderation..not for daily overuse!
How to beat the cycle of caffeine usage
however, and you can develop a mental and physical dependence on it, causing you to wake up feeling even groggier and more lethargic than usual. It is a very common thing, however for maximum efficiency should actually be used only in moderation..not for daily overuse!