Why we don't remember our dreams
Whether or not you remember your dreams, and whether or not you believe it, you dream every single night during REM sleep, as our brains Pineal gland pumps out levels of DMT, consolidating memories for the day, and restoring itself for what lies ahead.
Why meditate?
So one day, after reading about it online, I decided to give this so called "miracle" exercise a shot, and with little to no expectations of it whatsoever, I was off. I crossed my legs, closed my eyes, and began to focus on my breathing, telling myself the mantra "you are getting into a deeper, more relaxed state of meditation" every dozen or so breaths.
Enhancing Meditation-Binaural Beats
Meditation's great on its own, but imagine if you could enhance it, if you could just sit back and enjoy the ride, and reap the benefits of meditation to their fullest extent without the IMMENSE amounts of time it sometimes takes to see results. Even avid meditators once said that "if a pill contained all the benefits of meditation, they'd take it." Well there's no pill, and there's drug that gives these effects...no it's not that simple.
Techniques for Meditation-Beginner
Here's my technique for beginners. It may sound a little bit cheezy at first, but you won't be saying that a few minutes in.
Techniques for Meditation-Advanced
So here we are. If you really want to get your brain revved up and turned on then look no further, Advanced Meditation will do just that. I'll warn you right now, this will be a relatively long post, but by the end of it, I hope you're as enthused about meditation in all its entirety as I am.
Close your eyes and put on your headphones, beginning meditation with the elevator trick just like in regular meditation (see earlier posts.) Once into a moderately deep state of meditation, put the music up to a metal, techno, or motivating song. Visualize yourself in a time and place in your life when you were pumped up, before a competition, speech, or huge event in your life in which you had a huge adrenaline rush and were pumped up.