Label: Nootropics

Alternatives to Adderall

Whether you're looking for a replacement to Adderall/Ritalin as an ADHD medication that you've been using for years, or just looking for something to replace Adderall as a healthier alternative whenever you need a boost for studying, you've come to the right place. While there are many different alternatives such as profiderall etc.

Phenylpiracetam- My Review

I started using Phenylpiracetam to keep up with the high stress life of a University College, and mainly for calculus. I didn’t want to get hooked into the common pill poppers who choose ADHD medication as a study aid like I had in the past, and I didn’t want the crash from caffeine whenever I needed a boost.

Adrafanil- My Review

After having taken Modafinil on several rare occasions (all nighter for final exams, speech, and a ten page paper) I wanted to try a form that is available without a prescription, and one that has been reviewed to have almost exactly the same effects..I wasn't dissapointed.

Ampakine Nootropics 

Ampakine nootropics are the newest kind of nootropic in existence, they are also the most synthetic, most fast acting and most potent of all existing nootropics. With this in mind however, they are also the LEAST researched as to side...

Why do I get headaches when I take Piracetam  

If you're asking yourself this question, you are not alone. Piracetam depletes your stores of acetylcholine..not that bad...but not that pleasant either, with the only side effect manifesting itself in the form of dull to moderate headaches. By taking a choline supplement (or adding more choline to your diet) not only will the headaches subside, but the racetam you are using will have an increased effect.

Start off the new school year in style    

Back to School season is upon us and students everywhere are gearing up to return to their...

Nootropics-The Most Efficient Stack

Stacking nootropics refers to using multiple noots in conjunction, in order to achieve a more desirable or synergistic effect. The most efficient stack in my opinion is the combination of noopept, adrafanil, and picamillion, as it gives a very stimulant like-memory improving type effect, as well as having a type of slight euphoria.

Sunifiram-A re-engineered Adderall with permanent enhancing effects!

A novel cognitive enhancing drug with effects that range towards an extremely high potency, known as sunifiram, has been sweeping the nootropic nation for the last six months. Sunifiram is a high potency ampakine nootropic with a sister drug...

A nootropic with somewhat of uncanny side effects if used on too frequent of a basis, phenibut contains analglesic properties and is similar to opiates in a small dosage (although not nearly as dangerous or addictive)



Cerebrolysin, is a relatively new nootropic that is derived from a brain peptide from a swine's brain, that has been shown in clinical trials to significantly improve memory, focus, overall cognitive functioning (TO AN EXTREME DEGREE), and finally, to help preserve and recreate neurons, promoting BDNF by huge margins.  In addition, Cerebrolysin promotes synaptic repair, and improves cognitive and behavioral performance.