Label: Desmopressin the Photographic Memory Drug

Desmopressin: What is it?

Desmopressin is a somewhat newly synthesized drug which poses significant, yet somewhat unknown nootropic abilities. The main effect of the drug (as well as what it's prescribed for) is to halt bed wetting past a certain age, and for treatment in the condition of diabetes insipidus. 

Desmopressin, the brand name for Vassopressin, or ADH, works by both binding and activating the V2
receptor in the brain (found in the hippocampus), and by significantly increasing memory. Because the drug increases memory of the event at hand, it becomes a perfect study drug, and causes somewhat of a photographic memory type effect.

Desmopressin, although an amazing drug with little chance of you encountering any of these side effects, can carry with it side effects that can prove to be fatal at their highest degree. Because desmopressin is the synthetic form of the hormone vasopressin, or anti diuretic hormone, when excess water is increased while under the influence of the drug, it can induce a condition known as water poisoning, a possibly fatal state of having too much water built up in the kidneys with no way to excrete it.